The Partners in Care – helping us to care for you during your hospital stay booklet (PDF, 708KB) provides important information for Eastern Health inpatients, families and carers and is provided to all inpatients on admission to hospital.

The Partners in care – helping us to care for you during your hospital stay booklet is also available in:

Thank you to Taehoon Gwag, a talented cartoonist, who is also a Box Hill Hospital Patient Support Assistant and worked with the Centre for Patient Experience staff and consumers to develop the illustrations.

Check Back

Will you check to get it right? Check-back is a tool that will help you get the most out of your healthcare appointments.

You can find more information or complete a short module by visiting

Question Builder

Do you sometimes leave your healthcare appointment and then remember all the questions you wanted to ask?

The Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare has developed Question Builder in partnership with Healthdirect Australia.

Question Builder is a free online tool to help you think about the questions you might like to ask your health professional, and to prepare for questions health professionals may ask you when you go to an appointment.

Give Question Builder a go and get the most out of your appointment!