- Better Health Channel Provides health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in. This information is: quality-assured and reliable, up-to-date, locally relevant and easy to understand. The information on this site aims to help people understand and manage their health and medical conditions. It does not replace care provided by medical practitioners and other qualified health professionals.
- The “A Common Path” – is a suite of cancer support and advice videos which have been developed by North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Health Services (NEMICS) for people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer. It provides people with an opportunity to learn from others who had already experienced a cancer diagnosis and treatment, highlighting how they made decisions, the things they learned along the way, the things that helped, and the things they wish they had known or done better.
- Health Translations – Department of Health and Human Services – enables health practitioners and those working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to easily find translated health information. The Health Translations Directory provides direct links to reliable translated health resources produced in Australia
- Department of Health – Consumer, carer and community information – the Victorian Governments policy on consumer, carer and community participation in the Victorian healthcare system.
- Consumer’s health forum is the national peak body representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers. CHF works to achieve safe, quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by accessible health information and systems.
- Health issues centre – supports and informs health services to involve and learn from their consumers. It contributes to policy and debate to encourage a more equitable and partnership-based health system.
- Centre for Health Communication and Participation – was established in April 2009, springing from the work of the Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group (CCCRG). Our mission is to improve health communication with and participation by consumers and carers through evidence-informed policy and decision making
- Turning Point provides a wide range of specialist treatment and support services to people affected by alcohol and drug use. Wellington House is Turning Point’s residential detox service based in Box Hill Victoria. This video provides an introduction for people preparing for admission to the service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c41EMhDxcMU
- Clinical Excellence Commission: Receiving Antibiotics In Hospital:
Available in English, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese - NPS MedicineWise: Antibiotics don’t work for all infections
Available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese - Health Translations: Infections (multiple topics listed here)