available in full on the Royal Commission’s website.
Recommendations (Plain Language)
Our Recommendations (Easy Read)
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
VMIAC is the peak Victorian organisation for people with a lived experience of mental health or emotional challenges.
Tandem is the Victorian peak body representing family and friends supporting people living with mental health issues
Self Help Addiction Resource
Centre (SHARC)
Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) promotes self-help approaches to recovery from severe alcohol and drug related issues.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) IMHA is a service provided by VLA. IMHA complements and enhances VLA’s existing legal services for people with mental health issues.
In February 2019 the Mental Health System was described by many as ‘broken’ and failing to support those who needed it most.
Throughout 2019 and 2020, the Commission extensively engaged with people with a lived and living experience of with mental illness, their families, carers and supporters, mental health workers, researchers, service providers and others.
Powerful contributions were heard from people with lived and living experience who shared personal experiences about how the system has failed and sometimes even harmed them. Eastern Health welcomed the opportunity to be part of the process Mental Health Royal Commission Submissions (easternhealth.org.au)
Recommendations from the Royal Commission
The Royal Commission has made 65 recommendations to transform Victoria’s Health Service, which will be implemented over a ten-year timeframe.
‘The Commission’s recommendations are centred on transformational reform, with a vision for a balanced system where mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support are provided in the community, hospital and other residential settings.
These reforms aim to rebalance the system so that more services will be delivered in community settings and extend beyond a health response to a more holistic approach to good mental health and wellbeing across the community’