Eastern Health recognises that healthy and well staff are vital to the success of Eastern Health and the delivery of great care everywhere, every time to people and communities in the East.
We aim to create a safe, healthy and well work environment by:
- Utilising an integrated approach, blending both OHS and Health Promotion frameworks;
- Raising awareness within the workplace regarding issues that impact on health and wellbeing, including the health benefits of positive health and wellbeing advocacy programs;
- Creating and promoting a positive and equitable working environment where health and wellbeing programs are supported by management through visible participation and promotion;
- Building and maintaining a workplace environment and culture that supports positive health and wellbeing and aims to reduce stigma and prevent discrimination (including bullying and harassment);
- Promoting and encouraging participation in proactive programs and policies that support positive physical and psychological health, wellbeing and work-life balance; and
- Promoting and maintaining a healthy environment by making all grounds and premises smoke-free environments.
Incorporating EAP – Employee Assistance Program
Eastern Health has partnered with Assure to provide staff and their family members with an integrated free and confidential wellbeing service. The service covers the traditional supports within a standard Employee Assistance Program (EAP) around confidential counselling and support.
However additional services (legal, dietician, wellbeing coaching, financial wellbeing) are also included as well as specific offerings for leaders and teams.
Australia : 1800 808 374
New Zealand : 0800 808 374
International : +61 7 3211 8919
Or download the Wellbeing Gateway App
We are constantly improving and evolving our Wellbeing Programs at Eastern Health. For more information
For more information on CARE