Most women experience a normal pregnancy and childbirth, however it is still important that your health is checked regularly.

If you have questions, we recommend that you write them down and bring it with you to your appointment.

  • Make an appointment to see your local GP
  • Follow the link to Eastern Health Maternity Services to make your booking
  • View your Eastern Health maternity record. You will be given a copy at your first appointment, please ensure it is brought with you to every appointment
  • Take a tour of your hospital’s maternity suite

This form helps us assess the status of your general health, medical history and your pregnancy to determine the most appropriate hospital for your antenatal care and baby’s birth.

Book here

Select any of the following links to find out more.


If you choose not to continue with your pregnancy and want to seek surgical options, you can ask your GP for a referral to our Pregnancy Choices service.

We provide safe and non-judgmental surgical abortion up until 16 weeks gestation.

Your GP can make a referralĀ via Healthlink