This program is for people who need greater intensive outreach (home based) support that Maroondah Mobile Support Team (MMSTS) alone is unable to provide. The aim is to assist in maintaining mental health and prevent relapse which would otherwise be managed in a hospital setting. It also provides opportunity for people who wish to improve their skills in managing their mental health and increase their level of independent functioning and social connectedness.

The Outer East Secure Extended Care Unit Diversion Program (SECU Div) is a part of the Rehabilitation Stream, Adult Mental Health Services and is aligned with the Maroondah Mobile Support Team (MMSTS).

This program focuses on working collaboratively with consumers, carers and service providers to promote self-determination and enable progress towards reaching personal recovery goals through:

  • A greater responsive service compared to Maroondah Mobile Support Team case management alone as operating hours are extended to 8.30pm Monday to Friday. Weekend hours remain 8.30am to 5.00 pm.
  • Providing greater capacity to actively outreach and provide intensive support with the partnership arrangement of Eastern Health and EACH (Mental Health Community Support Service)
  • Combined case management provided by Eastern Health and EACH in assisting with planning, treatment, recovery focused goals, and instilling hope.
  • Capacity to broker external resources and/ or specialist services to meet the consumers specific goals and needs
  • Psychiatric, psychological, social, functional and family assessment.
  • Advocacy, education, employment and support developing meaningful connections with your community.
  • Support in maintaining safe, secure and affordable accommodation.
  • Shared care with GPs and Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) as part of a brokerage arrangement.
  • Coordinated service provision including wellness and relapse prevention planning.
  • Liaison and planning to establish post-discharge supports and minimise the risk of relapse.

Consumers are entitled to respect for their privacy and dignity, including valuing a consumer’s individual lived experience. Consumers are able to expect that clinicians will foster hope and optimism while supporting a consumer’s individual recovery journey.

This program provides services to the municipalities of Whitehorse (East of Springvale Road), Maroondah, Yarra Ranges and Knox.


Business Hours:

Ph: (03) 9871 3931

After Hours:

Ph: 1300 721 927



8:30am – 8:30pm

Monday – Friday

8:30am – 5:00pm

Saturday – Sunday