The Eastern Health MS Service provides care to people with MS. The service aims to:

  • Provide health care that is focused on the patient and family
  • Strive for excellence, innovation and collaboration in all aspects of care, research and education we deliver
  • Provide access to the most current MS information, research and treatments

We have a multidisciplinary support team that focuses on effective coaching, support and follow up to achieve improved health outcomes for all those we care for.

The Eastern Health MS Service has a collaborative relationship with Eastern Clinical Research Unit / Monash University to enhance the participation and development of education and research within the unit.

If you are a person with MS, or a relative/friend who does not have MS but would like to help, and you are interested in participating in MS research please contact [email protected]

For referral information, including how to refer electronically, see Specialist (Outpatients) Clinics.

If your patient’s condition deteriorates, please send an updated referral via HealthLink SmartForms selecting the Referral Continuation “Amended referral/update previously sent referral” with additional clinical information.


Emergency cases should be sent to the Emergency Department.

To make an appointment with one of our MS Specialist Neurologists, please contact us on P 9094 9538.

You will need a referral letter from your local general practitioner (GP) or other specialist.

Please bring your Medicare card, any medical scans and any relevant health information.  We encourage family members and friends to come to appointments.