The Mobile Support and Treatment Services (MSTS) provides case management for adults with a serious mental illness and associated decline in psychosocial functioning. MSTS aims to promote recovery by increasing consumers level of independent functioning within the community and providing education and counselling in the areas of physical and mental well-being. The primary role of MSTS is to provide assertive treatment and support to consumers who are likely to benefit from a period of intensive home and community based rehabilitation and who require more support than that available through clinic based services.
MSTS provides a seven day a week outreach service. It comprises of a multidisciplinary team that provides specialised medical, nursing, psychological, family and occupational interventions. Consumers are appointed a primary and secondary case manager and have regular reviews by a Consultant Psychiatrist and Registrar MSTS
Address |
Level 2, 353 Burwood Hwy, Forest Hill 3131. |
Contact |
Box Hill MSTS Ph: (03) 9843 5800 After Hours contact psychiatric triage Ph: 1300 721 927. Fax: (03) 9843 5808 |
Hours |
8.30 to 5.00pm 7 days a week |