Tuesday April 23, 2024
As we approach the colder seasons, routine winter vaccinations can help protect the people most important to you.
This World Immunisation Week (24 – 30 April) Eastern Health Infection Specialist Dr Stephen Guy highlights the importance of staying up to date with seasonal influenza vaccines.

“These are a really important way for people to protect themselves and those people around them from getting influenza or the flu. The flu vaccine is recommended for older people in our community and over six months of age,” he said.
The annual influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone from mid-April onwards to be protected for the peak influenza season, which is typically June to September.
“There are some groups of people who are at higher risk of developing serious illness with influenza and for those people that vaccine provided free. Those people include people between six months and five years of age, people over 65 years of age, people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and anybody who’s pregnant,” Dr Guy said.

For those eligible for a COVID booster, you won’t have to double book to see your GP or chemist.
“The influenza vaccine can be delivered on the same day that you get a COVID booster and it’s a timely reminder for people if they are eligible to get a COVID booster. That it’s probably a good idea to do that at the same time.
“You can talk to your GP or your pharmacist if you have any questions about your flu vaccine, COVID vaccine or any other related matters to your health,” Dr Guy said.