This applies where a research project is being conducted at Eastern Health but the application is being reviewed and approved by another Human Research and Ethics Committee.

You are required to submit a Site Specific Assessment or SSA for a new project.

Use a ‘Research Governance Checklist for Principal Investigators’ – available from the Consultative Council for Clinical Trial Research web-site.

Information and instructions from Consultative Council for Clinical Trial Research web-site is relevant to your submission.

Submit the following documents.


Documents  Hard Copy Electronic File
Research Governance Checklist for Principal Investigators  Yes  Yes
Cover Letter
– signed by Principal Investigator
 Yes  Yes – PDF file with signatures
 Application Fee  No

(unless payment is by cheque)

Site Specific Assessment Form  Yes – fully signed  Yes – PDF file with signatures
Victorian Specific Module (VSM)  No  Yes – with signatures
Use of Ionising Radiation

–    Section 4 of Victorian Specific Module

 No  Yes – PDF file with signatures
Medical Physicist Report  No  Yes – PDF file with signatures
Study Protocol  Yes  Yes
Investigator Drug Brochure  No  Yes
Human Research Ethics Committee Approval correspondence  No  Yes
Full set of the documents as approved by the Reviewing Human Research and Ethics Committee  No

(except for Protocol, as in item 6 above)

Eastern Health specific documents, eg Participant Information and Consent Forms.

EH PICF Must have:

  • Eastern Health Logo
  • Eastern Health Investigators’ Contact Details
  • Eastern Health Hospital Site where research project is being conducted
  • Eastern Health Contact for Complaints (Office of Research and Ethics, Ph: 03 9895 3398, or email: [email protected] )
  • Version number and date for local document
  • Reference to Master approved version number and date
 No  Yes
Clinical Trial Research Agreements  Yes No

Must use approved templates

Indemnity Forms

Must use approved templates. Download from Medicines Australia web-site.


Submit minimum of two original documents, signed by the external Sponsor. Eastern Health will retain one fully signed original after final sign off.

Evidence of Current Insurance

Insurance must adhere to hospital insurer’s guidelines. See Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) web-site.

No Yes
Clinical Trial Notification Form

Download form from Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website.


Submit original CTN form.

Submit one original for each site, signed by the Principal Investigator and the reviewing Human Research and Ethics Committee.

Curriculum Vitae

Applies to researchers who have not submitted a CV in the last two years.

CV should be one to two pages only, to include:

  • relevant professional registration
  • formal qualifications
  • relevant experience

Do NOT include an extensive publications list.

 No  Yes

Submit the following documents only AFTER APPROVAL by the reviewing Human Research and Ethics Committee (HREC).

 Documents  Hard Copy Electronic File
 Application Fee as per fee schedule No

Unless payment is by cheque

HREC approval correspondence No Yes
Protocol amendment No Yes
Investigator Drug Brochure No Yes
Administrative Letter No Yes
Master Participant Information and Consent Form (PICF) No Yes
Safety Notification – Global, non-Eastern Health specific, including data monitoring committee memos No Yes
Other documents, eg

  • advertisements,
  • flyers
  • questionnaires
  • protocol deviations or violations
  • change of personnel


No Yes
Eastern Health specific documents, eg PICF

EH PICF Must have:

  • Eastern Health Logo
  • Eastern Health Investigators’ Contact Details
  • Eastern Health Hospital Site where research project is being conducted
  • Eastern Health Contact for Complaints (Office of Research and Ethics, ph: 03 9895 3398, or email: [email protected] )
  • Version number and date for local document
  • Reference to Master approved version number and date
No Yes

Submit the following documents DIRECTLY to Eastern Health

Documents Hard Copy Electronic File
Eastern Health local Serious Adverse Event (SAE)

1.      A summary of the event eg. whether SAE is a pre-existing condition, if participants continue on study medication and the event outcome.

2.      Confirmation of whether the SAE is a suspect unexpected serious adverse reaction (SUSAR).

3.      A comment on the impact of the SAE on study conduct and signature by the Principal Investigator.

  • The event is reported to the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) in accordance with their requirement


No Yes – PDF file with signatures
Eastern Health Site Specific Progress Reports – annual and final

A progress report must be submitted annually. Submit using the Progress Report. Include information on progress to date, maintenance and security of records, compliance with approved protocol, compliance with conditions of approval, and insurance status (for commercial projects). Ongoing authorization of project is subject to the submission of a satisfactory project report.

A final progress report is required when the project is completed. Submit when one the following has occurred:

  • when the project results have been published or presented (submit publication or abstract)
  • data analysis is complete and a lay summary of findings is available
  • a ‘close out’ visit has taken place (for externally sponsored multi-centre project)
  • a project has been prematurely discontinued or withdrawn


Use the same Eastern Health Progress Report Form, checking the box for ‘final’ report.

 No Yes – PDF file with signatures
Clinical Trial Research Agreement addendum or amendment

  • Submit revised documents, signed by the Sponsor.
  • Submit a cover letter detailing the changes.
  • Eastern Health will retain one fully executed agreement after review and final sign off


Yes No
Updated insurance certificates

In accordance with Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) guidelines.


No Yes