Hospital in the Home (HITH) provides a specialist home service for eligible cancer (oncology and haematology) patients who require:

  • Some chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments at home
  • Blood tests and assessments after admission for chemotherapy and stem cell transplants
  • Other intravenous treatments for conditions related to cancer

HITH provides an alternative to treatment in the Day Oncology and Medical Unit or cancer ward; it can deliver chemotherapy or other related cancer treatments in the comfort of your home.  HITH nurses work closely with your cancer specialists, departments and allied health services, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

  • You will receive treatment which is directed by the hospital cancer doctors at Eastern Health and the care is delivered by experienced HITH Cancer Service nurses
  • The HITH Cancer Service nurse delivers the treatment, monitors your condition and reports your progress to the cancer doctor
  • Eastern Health will provide you with all care and equipment at no cost to you
  • If your situation changes – either your home or medical condition – you may be referred back to the hospital Day Oncology and Medical Unit, the cancer ward or the Emergency Department
  • Not all treatments can be delivered at home

You are eligible for this service if:

  • You are willing to receive treatment at home
  • Your treatment is suitable to be given at home
  • You are medically stable and your cancer doctor agrees that you can be treated at home

  • You must to inform HITH staff of any changes in your condition
  • You must prevent any pets from interfering during staff visits
  • You will need to provide a clear area and table space for your treatment
  • If you have any concerns regarding your care, please contact the Nurse Unit Manager via Reception on 03 9871 3197


After Hours:
Eastern Health Box Hill – Ward 4.1


Ph: (03) 8396 8459


Monday – Sunday

8:00am – 4.30 pm