The Health Promotion team at Eastern Health works in partnership with the community and other key organisations to enable people to take control of their health. While many Eastern Health services offer treatment and education for individual patients when they get sick, Health Promotion looks at how we can improve health and prevent illness on a community level using best practice frameworks and principles. Our focus is not necessarily on particular diseases. Instead we aim to improve people’s health by focusing our work on the social, economic and environmental conditions that lead to good health.

Health Promotion delivers projects or initiatives in partnership with:

  • Community leaders
  • Local Government
  • Sporting clubs
  • Schools and early childhood centres
  • Community Health services
  • Other organisations outside the health care system

The goal of the Health Promotion team is:
‘To enhance and improve the health of the community in the Eastern Region, Eastern Health staff and consumers through the provision of high quality health promotion action’.

The Health Promotion Team is currently working on the 2022-2025 Integrated Health Promotion plan, which is delivering multiple strategies under 4 priority areas.

The plan is currently in development and will be publically available in late 2022.

  1. Healthy and Active Living
    • Increasing healthy and sustainable food and drink choices
    • Increasing active living
    • Reducing harm from alcohol and other drugs including tobacco and E-cigarettes
    • Resilient, respectful and inclusive communities
  1. Respectful, Resilient and Healthy Communities
    • Building capacity for respectful relationships and the prevention of violence against women

What have we achieved?

Health Promotion reports annually on the impact and process used in its programs. The links below are to reports that outline the impacts of our work and what we have learned:

Healthy and Active Living

Healthy Choices in the Yarra Valley (303KB) (DOC 15KB)

Getting Girls In, 2019 (PDF, 1MB)  (DOC 15K)

A Case Study – Healthy Choices 2016 – 2018 (DOC, 1.5MB)

Evaluation Report – Munch n Crunch 2017 (PDF, 6MB)


Respectful, Resilient and Healthy Communities

Strengthening Women in Melbourne’s Outer East (PDF, 1870KB) Accessible Word File (DOC, 3740KB)

Guide: Engaging Men – Reducing Resistance and Building Support (PDF, 330KB) Accessible Word File (DOC, 117KB)

Engaging Men & Boys in the Prevention of Violence, 2018-2020 (800KB) (DOC  24KB)

Engaging Men Infographic 2018-2020 (PDF, 2MB) (DOC 17KB)

Strengthening Women Infographic 2018-2020 (532KB) (DOC 17KB)

Leading the Change, 2019 (200KB) (DOC 15KB)

Evaluation Report – Be the Change 2017 (DOC. 18MB)

Evaluation Report – Strengthening Women in the Yarra Valley 2016 – 2017 (DOC, 2.1MB)

Promoting Healthier Masculinities in the East for the Prevention of Violence Against Women Steering Group 2020-21 (PDF 3.3MB)