Tuesday September 3, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that thanks to the generosity of our local community, the much-anticipated PET Scanner is now operational at Eastern Health Box Hill. 

This state-of-the-art equipment will significantly enhance our ability to care for patients with a range of critical illnesses, allowing for more precise diagnostics and treatment planning. Helping almost 4000 people per year.

The PET scanner was made possible through donations to the Eastern Health Foundation.

The generosity of our donors has not only allowed for the acquisition of this state-of-the-art equipment, but also stands as a powerful testament to what we can achieve together. Our donors’ support is driving meaningful advancements in healthcare, and we are profoundly thankful for their partnership in this journey.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this vital project.

The generosity of our donors has not only made the acquisition of this state-of-the-art equipment possible but also stands as a powerful testament to what we can achieve together. Our donors’ support is driving meaningful advancements in healthcare, and we are profoundly thankful for their partnership in this journey.



Amber Elizabeth Gooding Research Fund Bai Fu Xin Philanthropic Foundation
John Ware Bland and Margaret Mary Bland The Cho Group
Ngo Family  



Alan C. and the late Helen J. Horstman Barbara Group
Asian Business Association of Whitehorse China Bar
Bill and Leonie West Criddle Family
Charity and Multi Art Association of Victoria Inc Hong Ming Lee
Geoffrey and Kristy Williamson Hyunsook Park and Alfred Lee Ming Sung
Jack Ma Laksa King (Esmond Wong)
Keith Boniface Lam Brothers P/Ltd
Ron Lim Chang Hing Mary Clarke and Deon Pearce
Rosemary Varty OAM Rita De Graaf
William Tsang Thian Chew
Yvonne Gray Yuet Kwok