Families come into contact with a wide range of services. All have a part to play to build better outcomes.

You can find links here to resources for Parents and Children/Young People  or contact the FaPMI Program for more details.

Group program details and referral forms can be found here

Training can also be accessed via iLearn on the Eastern Health Intranet or at Emerging Minds website.

  • Bouverie Centre – Statewide FaPMI Program offers CHAMPS and Space 4 Us Facilitator Training, as well as a range of Family Supports including Single Session Family Consultation – Training Calendar
  • Emerging Minds – online portal for training and resources regarding child mental health and family focused practice.
    All Emerging Minds and COPMI resources are developed in collaboration with people with lived experience of parental mental illness, leading researchers and service providers in the mental health field.
  • Centre for Mental Health Learning – learning and resource hub for Mental Health Staff. Includes Peer Inside – access to tools and support for Consumer and Family Carer Workers, and for managers, coordinators and colleagues – this page helps you ‘peer inside’ and access training and information about consumer or family carer work.
  • Training and Employment Opportunities for the Lived Experience Workforce – in our work we partner with peer workers – parents, children and young people who have a lived experience of being in families where a parent has a mental illness. Training and employment is available in group facilitation, staff training and service development. For example, this website was co-written with peer workers. For training and employment inquiries please email: [email protected]

  • Tandem – the Victorian peak body representing family and friends supporting people living with mental health issues – support and referral for carers and family, Carer Support Fund, Carer Support Groups, NDIS Carer Support

Below are some links to tools and resources that can help your service system be more responsive