Victoria has a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act from 1st September 2023
How will the new Act better support the people that use our services?
- The Act upholds the rights of consumers by promoting the values, preferences and views of Victorians with mental illness or psychological distress.
- Consumers will be better connected to advocacy support when they need it. Consumers will be supported to understand and exercise their rights and to participate in decisions about treatment. Supported decision making practices are promoted.
- Diversity of care and support services will be offered, determined by the needs and preferences of the person.
- Least restrictive care is promoted, meaning care is provided with the least possible restrictions of a person’s rights, promoting dignity, autonomy, recovery and full participation in life.
- The Act supports young people and children. The health and wellbeing, autonomy and safety of young people (including dependents) is promoted and supported.
- Care delivered will be responsive to diversity and gender safety – The diverse needs, experiences and safety are actively considered to ensure that care delivered will be safe, sensitive and responsive.
- Cultural Safety is promoted. Our services are to be culturally safe and responsive to people of all racial, ethnic, religious, faith-based and cultural backgrounds.
Where can I access more information?
- Information for the community will be available from: Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 |