Healesville GP Clinic is currently not taking new patients unless they meet the following criteria:

  • Live within our local catchment area:
    • Healesville / Badger Creek / Chum Creek
    • Don Valley / Yarra Junction / Launching Place / Warburton
    • Toolangi / Castella
    • Coldstream / Gruyere / Yering
    • Narbethong / Marysville / Buxton
  • Are Concession/Pension Card holders.
  • Are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (catchment/Concession requirements does not apply).

Healesville After Hours Clinic
No restrictions on new patients for this service.

The Healesville GP Clinic is experiencing high demand for services due to concerns about Coronavirus (COVID-19). GP numbers have been increased during to support the community during this time.

If you are concerned that you have symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19), please call the clinic via 1300 130 381 (option 1) before attending to check if the GP clinic is the best service for you.

For the latest Coronavirus information, visit the Department of Health and Human Services website or Twitter account.

Monday to Friday: 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Weekends and Public Holidays: 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

If you require urgent care – please call 000 or present to the nearest Emergency Department at Eastern Health Maroondah, Davey Drive, Ringwood East.

Other services include:
My Emergency Doctor
Nurse-on-call 1300 60 60 24

Limited off street parking including disabled parking is available via the main entrance driveway.

Failure to observe parking restrictions on the hospital grounds and surrounding streets may result in a parking infringement notice being issued by the local council.

Taxi drop off and pick up is available at the main entrance via Maroondah Highway. Reception staff can assist with booking a taxi for you.

Several bus routes stop along Maroondah Highway outside the Hospital. Further information and timetables available via Public Transport Victoria.

Consultation by appointment is preferred.  We will endeavour to accommodate “walk-ins” however; patients with appointments will be given priority unless it is an emergency.

To help us keep waiting times to a minimum, please let us know when you make an appointment: 

  • If you require a longer appointment.  
  • If you have more than one issue to discuss
  • If you or your family member requires an interpreter (we can organise this for you). 
  • If you have a preference in regard to which Doctor you wish to see.

Bookings can be made online or via phone: 1300 130 381

We are a Bulk-billing clinic for patients with a valid Medicare card 

Some consultations are unable to be bulk-billed therefore fees will apply, e.g.

  • Driver’s licence checks including commercial vehicle licenses
  • Insurance forms
  • TAC
  • WorkSafe claims (without claim numbers)
  • Medical reports

Please ask our receptionist for current fees for non-bulk billed consultations.

We find that most problems are best managed within a consultation with a Doctor. In exceptional circumstances, our administration team will take a message and provide you with the action required. 

We avoid contacting you via email due to patient privacy concerns. Patient consent is required prior to any email communication.

We prefer that all test results are given to you and discussed in follow-up appointments with the Doctor. This ensures accurate interpretation on test results and effective management of illnesses. 

Results will only be given to the patient, guardian or nominated carer by a Doctor. Our administration team may only provide the patient with the knowledge of test results being available. 

You will be notified by text message if the Doctor wants to discuss your results with you when the results are available.

Our reminder system is utilised to enable a committed approach to preventative healthcare for chronic disease management, immunisations, cervical screening and many others. If you do not wish to receive reminders, please advise your doctor or nurse.

We welcome and encourage patients and their families to give us feedback about their experiences. Your feedback is important to us and helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve.

There are various options for providing your feedback:

  1. Talk to a staff member or the manager of the Clinic via phone or when you next attend an appointment. 
  2. Contact the Eastern Health Centre for Patient Experience: via email, phone or online form.

View our Privacy Statement

Our administration team can arrange for the transfer of medical records if a signed authorisation form has been completed.

Medical records are generally transferred directly to your nominated clinic/healthcare provider.

Please contact us for more information 

Home visits are available for our regular patients, living within a reasonable distance of the clinic whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery, at the discretion of the general practitioner.

If you require your Doctor to complete a Medical Report for insurance, employment, driving, or travel consultations, etc., please be advised that a private fee may apply.   For prices please speak to reception.

In order to comply with current health care regulations and best practice procedures, this clinic will not take requests over the phone for prescriptions, medical certificates or referrals to other Health Care Professionals.  Please schedule an appointment to see your Doctor. It is a legal requirement under the Medicare Act that a referral to a specialist will only be given after due consideration by the treating physician.

If you have had a procedure done elsewhere you should return to the medical facility for follow up as this fee would already be included in the procedure.  If you do return here for follow up after a procedure done elsewhere, we will charge a private billing fee which will not be covered by Medicare.

Please let the receptionist know if you have changed your name, address, telephone numbers, or have added a new family member.  Please advise if you have recently received a new Medicare card, or no longer have a concession or health care card.

This practice has a no smoking policy and zero tolerance for abusive or threatening behaviour.