Family medicine Children’s health Asthma care
Women’s health  Mental health Diabetes care
Men’s Health  Chronic disease management Health assessments 
Pre-pregnancy counselling Wound management  Minor surgery
Antenatal and Postnatal care  Cryotherapy Immunisations and travel advice 


COVID-19 Vaccination

The newest COVID-19 vaccination is available;  Pfizer (COMIRNATYJN.1 for 12 years+.

Those aged 5 to 15 are eligible for a COVID-19 booster dose if they:

– are severely immunocompromised

– have a disability with significant or complex health needs

– or have severe, complex, or multiple health conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19

Those aged 16 years and older are eligible if they have completed your primary dose course of COVID-19 vaccination at least 3 months ago.

If you have had COVID-19 you should wait to be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine for 3 months after your confirmed infection.

The date you had your last COVID-19 vaccine is on your COVID-19 digital certificate

Cervical Screening

We provide cervical screening.  

Patient details will be given to the Victorian Cervical Cytology Registry (phone number 9250 0300).

When you have a cervical screening test, your details are automatically forwarded to the Registry by the laboratory that reports on your test.

Childhood Vaccinations

Immunisation is the only effective way to protect your child against many harmful diseases. 

It means your child will be far less likely to catch the disease if exposed to it.  This benefit far outweighs the very small risks involved.  

Immunisation is also important to eradicate the disease. 

If enough people are immunised, then infection will no longer be spread in the community and the disease dies out.  

Healesville GP Clinic offers all scheduled childhood immunisations.  

Vaccines are kept on site.  

If your child is due for immunisations please make an appointment to see your Doctor.  

It is important to ensure that all your child’s immunisations are up to date.  

Details will be sent to the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register.

Travel and other vaccines

Travel and other vaccines are also available.  Please ask your Doctor.

Other services on site

Healesville Hospital and Yarra Valley Health offer a suite of services.

These include Pathology, X-ray, Counselling, Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Diabetes Education and Podiatry.

Please note there is no emergency department at Healesville – in the event of an emergency call 000.