Come join Eastern Health’s Consumer Representatives Register and help keep the needs and voices of consumers front and center.

Consumer representatives play an important role in supporting Eastern Health to achieve its promise of being healthier together.

The Consumer Representatives Register is a group of people who draw on their knowledge and experience as consumers, service users, carers and family members, to ensure Eastern Health partners with consumers in health service design, delivery, planning, governance and quality improvement.  

Consumer representatives come from all walks of life and may be:

  • A current, former, or potential health service user
  • A carer, family member, support person for someone who uses the health service
  • A community member who reflects the needs and interests of a specific group which may include those who are diverse in culture, age and socio-economic status, population and healthcare needs

If you are interested in becoming a consumer representative, please complete the online expression of interest.

Current Opportunities

The anticoagulation stewardship service is a new service at EH and aims to improve the management and outcome of patients requiring anticoagulation therapy.

The objectives of the sub-committee would include reviewing and developing protocols, monitoring and reviewing trends of utilisation, address performance gaps against NSQHS standards and monitor outcomes of intervention and educational strategies implemented.

Seeking 2 consumer representatives to provide their patient or carer perspective. Ideally the person will be able to bring one of the following experiences as a carer or patient:

  • Experience with staying in hospital for over 24 hours and requiring medications (injections or tablet) to help prevent clots from forming
  • Currently on a blood thinning medication to prevent stroke from irregular heart rate
  • Currently on a blood thinning medication to prevent clots from forming in the deep vein (legs, thighs and hips) and lungs
  • Experience with need to stop and restart a blood thinning medication for a procedure

The Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee (ASC) is a sub-committee of the Medicines Management Clinical Risk Governance Committee (MMCRGC). ASC meets virtually on the third Thursday of the month at 10.30am.  

The role of the consumer representative is to be involved and consulted on quality improvement projects, audits, and education relating to the use of medicines that treat infections. 

Please email Rachel Soh, Manager Consumer Participation & Community Engagement via [email protected] if you are interested.  

Seeking 1-2 consumers to sit on the newly developed Children, Neonates & Birthing People Clinical Deterioration Sub-committee, to inform and support in development of policies, incident review and trends in hospital data

This subcommittee will focus on acute deterioration in the Children, Neonates & Birthing People population of EH consumers, with a focus on reviewing MET/Code Blue data, improvement in practice and regular policy updates. Changing trends and external data monitoring reports will be reported.

The consumers will be able to participate in assist in development or provide feedback of patient-centred information, e.g. brochures, posters, etc.

Seeking 1-2 consumer representatives to sit on the newly developed Sub-Acute & Community Clinical Deterioration Sub-committee, to inform and support in development of policies, incident review and trends in hospital data. 

This subcommittee will focus on acute deterioration in the adult population of the sub-acute and community patients/consumers across EH, with a focus on policy development, monitoring of clinical incidents and trends in data. Acute deterioration includes physiological changes and mental state deterioration. 

The consumers will be able to assist in development or provide feedback of patient-centred information, e.g. brochures, posters, etc. Committee membership includes Clinical Experts from various areas, including medical, nursing and allied health representation. 

The role of the Consumer Information and Education Committee is to review Eastern Health patient information and education resources (such as brochures, posters, and videos) and ensure consumer and/or patient needs are considered. This includes considering the language used and the presentation of the resource. 

The committee is comprised of consumer representatives and staff with relevant expertise.  There are currently three consumer representatives on the committee and we are wanting to add at least two more (but up to seven more!) to the membership.  Committee members are provided the resources to review two weeks before the meeting and are all given an opportunity at the meeting to provide their feedback to the author of the resource.

The meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month between 1 and 3pm.  Meetings are held virtually.

Seeking 1-3 consumer representatives to join Eastern Health’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. The committee’s purpose is to provide governance and leadership to ensure Eastern Health is inclusive and culturally safe, promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for staff, consumers, and the community. It aims to embed DEI within organisational practices and build capability to uphold this commitment through the collaborative efforts of staff and consumers. 

Consumer representatives will be able to bring a patient, carer or community perspective and expertise as someone from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, a member of LGBTQIA+ community, or a person with disabilities.

Meetings are held bimonthly.

The Nutrition and Hydration sub-committee is a sub-group of the Comprehensive Care Clinical Risk Governance Committee and meets virtually every 2nd month.

The role of the consumer representative is to be involved and consulted on nutrition related quality improvement projects, audits and education.

The group consists of representatives from food services, nursing, dietetics, speech pathology and safety and quality.

The Pathology Quality & Safety Committee meets virtually on the third Tuesday of every month between 11am-12pm.  The membership of the committee includes the pathology leadership group that includes, the Medical Director, Program Director, Associate Program Director, Pre-analytical Manager, Principal Scientist’s and Head of Departments in each discipline. The meeting is chaired by the Associate Director of Quality & Patient Safety.

  • A consumer representative is required to support Pathology as a member of the Quality & Safety Committee.
  • The role of the consumer representative is to be involved and consulted on the following:
  • Effectiveness of our response with patient complaints and feedback
  • Developing and implementing Patient education and information resources
  • Advocate for pathology via various hospital and patient forum.
  • Advocate the value of consulting pathology as part of various strategic planning at EHP.

The Eastern Health Pharmacy Quality and Safety Committee is seeking a consumer to join their committee to support the monitoring and improving of quality and safety in Eastern Health’s pharmacy services. The consumer representative will be able to bring any of the following experiences:   

  • Experience with going to hospital (ward, ED, Day centre, outpatient) and interacting with the pharmacy during those stays, whether it’s related to getting medications or learning about them.
  • Experience with having to handle five or more medications
  • Experience with getting medications from the hospital as an outpatient, expecially medications you can only get from the hospital
  • Experience with being admitted to day cancer services or medical infusion units for a limited time or for managing a chronic illness.

The consumer will be able to attend the monthly meeting on every second Wednesday of the month from 3.30pm – 5pm in person or virtually and participate in the committee meeting as an active member.

The Podiatry Professional Council provides professional governance for the podiatry

profession at Eastern Health, and provides counsel and recommendation to the Eastern

Health Allied Health Professional Council and other Eastern Health Committees such as

Expert Advisory Committees and Program Committees in relation to patient care priorities,

provision of podiatry services, health system and professional innovation; and sustaining the podiatry workforce.

  • All Grade 3 Podiatrists
  • Grade 4 Podiatrists/Clinical Leads
  • Director of Podiatry (chair)

The Council normally meets at least quarterly, and more frequently if necessary, via virtual meeting (online).

The council is seeking a consumer with lived experience in high-risk foot pathology (such as complex foot ulceration, pedal/lower limb amputation, complex pathology such as Charcot Neuroarthropathy) to sit as a member of the council, to support ongoing and adequate consumer engagement in quality improvement works and initiatives within podiatry, and provide feedback and insight on these works/initiatives from the perspective of our consumers. 

The Residential Aged Care Services Quality and Safety Committee supports the monitoring and improving of the quality, safety and effectiveness of aged care services under Eastern Health’s Residential Aged Care Service.   

The committee’s functions and objectives cover a range of organisational areas. These include:  

  • Partnering in Healthcare  
  • Governance, Leadership & Culture  
  • Clinical Practice   
  • Safety and Quality Systems  
  • Workforce  
  • Safe Environment  

A suitable consumer representative would be able to share their experiences of aged care services as a service user, carer, family member or support person, and be willing to participate in committee discussions to ensure the needs of people who use residential aged care services are considered.  

The committee meets monthly online or on site (Wantirna Health) for 1 hour. This is a long-term commitment.

Seeking a consumer representative to participate in our bimonthly skin integrity committee to provide feedback on patient experience with skin integrity devices such as air mattresses, offloading equipment such as offloading boots, bed cradles, mattress wedges, foot stools. 

Ideally, this person will have experience of having had extended stays in hospital and having used pressure care equipment, such as air mattresses, heel offloading boots/wedges, foot stools

Committee membership includes Clinical Risk Managers, Wound nurses, Occupational Therapists and Podiatrists.

The Social Work Professional Council provides professional governance for the Social Work profession at Eastern Health. 

The team is seeking a consumer representative who has or may use a social work service to provide a consumer perspective in the meeting and contribute to decision making.  

Please contact Rachel Soh, Manager Consumer Participation & Community Engagement via [email protected] if you are interested.