Shared Maternity Care is a model of care in which a woman is cared for by the hospital and a community-based shared maternity care affiliate, such as a GP. Its aim is to provide high quality community-based care and is appropriate for women who have a low-risk pregnancy. The Shared Maternity GP provides the majority of antenatal and postnatal care, while the hospital manages the birth and immediate postnatal care.

The program is suitable for healthy, low risk women who feel it is important for them to know their carer through the pregnancy. Many women have a long term relationship with their GP and feel more comfortable under their care. The Eastern Health GP shared care program also offers women the opportunity to see a midwife during pregnancy to discuss their hospital stay, breastfeeding, early parenting and to plan for discharge home.

The following documents outline care provision and appropriate referral for women birthing at Eastern Health and are a guide as to which women may be appropriate for shared care and who may require referral for higher risk pregnancies

Women will be given an Eastern Health Maternity Record at their first hospital appointment. This record provides valuable information for you and your patient regarding the schedule of visits and recommended discussions throughout pregnancy.

Each visit, you need to provide a copy of your antenatal notes as well as copies of all pathology and ultrasound reports for the women to carry. In turn, all hospital visits will be recorded on the Birthing Outcome System (BOS) and documentation printed for the record. This record is also a means of communicating between all care providers.

Obstetric Medicine works with obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine and general medicine. The Eastern Health Obstetric Medicine Service was established to provide co-ordinated medical input into pre-pregnancy, antenatal and post-natal care of women with medical disorders, risks or complications.

More information

Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS) is available at Box Hill and Angliss hospitals. This service is for women who experience PV bleeding and pain prior to 20 weeks gestation. They must be haemodynamically stable and not at high risk for ectopic pregnancy. Women who do not meet these criteria must attend an Emergency Department.

Service provision is strictly by referral and appointment only.

Hours of Operation:
Angliss Hospital EPAS (Monday – Friday 1.00pm – 3.30pm) P: 9764 6309 F: 9764 6193 Box Hill Hospital EPAS (Monday – Friday 8.30am – 9.30am) P: 9975 6334 F: 8396 8890

EPAS – Early Pregnancy Assessment Service referal form.

Obstetric/Maternity Specialised Clinic Referral Form

This form will assist you in referring:

  • Women with high risk complications that develop in pregnancy
  • Women with abnormal GTT / TFTs requiring Endocrine Clinic.
  • Women with complex social issues, drug and alcohol abuse and/or mental health issues who may benefit from Specialised Maternity Service (SMS)
  • Women with perineal and/or incontinence concerns.