CRCCU provides residential assessment and rehabilitation services to adults with a major mental illness and associated decline in psychosocial function.

CRCCU provides services to adults with a major mental illness living in the municipalities of Whitehorse, Manningham and Monash.

Consumers accepted into the CRCCU undertake a two week comprehensive psychosocial rehabilitation assessment, which includes evaluation of their physical and mental wellbeing, occupational and cognitive functioning.

Assessment can be for:

  • Assessment and recommendations for ongoing community management or,
  • Assess suitability for entry into the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program.

The CRCCU is a residential setting with staff working 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Consumers have multiple daily contacts with members of the multidisciplinary team and have regular contact with medical staff. The psychosocial rehabilitation program is tailored to suit each consumer individually and their length of stay may vary from 6 months to 18 months depending upon the consumer’s progress towards their identified goals.

All consumers accepted into the CRCCU Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program must have first completed the 2 week Assessment Program.


Canterbury Road Community Care

30-32 Canterbury Road Camberwell VIC 3124


For current consumers call CRCCU

Ph: (03) 9813 1722.
Fax: (03) 9888 8496


Visiting hours:

4:00pm-10:00pm Monday – Friday

10:00am-10:00pm Saturday – Sunday

We ask that all visitors notify staff on arrival and departure, as well as sign in and out on the registry book at reception