Welcome to the Older Adults Mental Health and Wellbeing Service.

We provide a range of specialist mental health services for people over the age of  55+ with age related issues with a mental illness or those who may experience severe behavioural disturbances associated with Dementia. This is based at the Peter James Centre and we offer services to people who live in the Council areas of Monash, Whitehorse, Manningham, Knox, Maroondah and the Yarra Ranges.

We are a multi-disciplinary service which provides holistic mental health treatment. Our teams are mainly made up of doctors, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and psychologists. We work collaboratively with clients, GP’s and other community service providers within the framework of a shared care model.

Contact Us


Eastern Health Peter James,

Mahoneys Rd, Burwood East 3151


Ph: 1300 721 927


9:00am – 4.30pm

Monday – Friday


Triage is the central point of contact for all of Eastern Health Mental Health Services including Older Adults Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (OAMHWS and is provided 24 hours a day.  The OAMHWS is part of the Eastern Health Mental Health Program which offers a range of specialist mental health services to people aged  65 and over who reside in the municipalities of Whitehorse, Manningham, Monash (part of), Knox, Maroondah and the Yarra Ranges

Triage enquires for the (OAMHWS) can be made between the hours of 9.00am – 4:30pm (Monday to Friday) on 1300 721 927. This component of the service is managed by the OAMHWS Access Team and outside of these hours is managed by the Mental Health Program.

Each enquiry is taken by a triage clinician who will then forward to the relevant service with the  OAMHWS tooffer support and / or treatment.  Services from the OAMHWS may be provided in the home, outpatient clinics or hospital.

When a referral is accepted for a mental health assessment the person or their next of kin will be contacted by a mental health clinician to organise an assessment. This is usually conducted by a clinician and doctor to assess the needs and supports of the person and family/ carer.  Following the assessment and in collaboration with the person and family/carer a recommendation will be made for an appropriate treatment/service either by the  OAMHWS or by an alternative community service.

South ward is a 30 bed acute hospital ward for persons 65 years and over requiring inpatient mental health specialised care.  During the admission to South Ward members of the multi-disciplinary team will work with the person and family/ carer to develop recovery goals, review treatment and discuss discharge plans.

South Ward also employ Peer Workers who have a lived experience as either a person who has used or cared for someone in the mental health service.  Peer workers work with the treating team to support to the person and their family/ carers in the lead up to discharge from South Ward.

Older Adults Mental Health and Wellbeing Service Community Teams

Following a mental health assessment or during a hospital admission a recommendation may be made for the person to be accepted into the OAMHWS Community team who will support the person, family/ carer or community support (e.g. GP, private psychiatrist, peer worker) during the persons recovery while in their (or returning to their) own environment.  The length of time and intensity of support is dependent on the person’s individual needs.  

The OAMHWS Community Team utilises a collaborative approach and engages the person, carer/ family and or community support by offering reviews of treatment and recovery plans to support the person’s recovery.

We also have a Wellness in the Home Team (WITH) who can offer intensive outreach treatment and support to clients in their own home if agreeable, as an alternative to an in patient admission.

Older Adult mental Health Carer Support Groups

The OAMHWS offers opportunities for families and carers to be linked to appropriate carer and support groups.  The groups offer an opportunity for families and carers to meet, learn and support each other.  The OAMHWS has a Carer Consultant who can be contacted through South Ward.

Consultation Liaison (CL)

Consultation Liaison is offered by the Aged Persons Mental Health Service Psychiatrists to non-mental health wards in Eastern Health.

Mental Health education to Community Groups

OAMHWS offers consultation and education to other services and groups on request. There may be a fee for this service in certain circumstances.